Added Jan 28, 2014
The concept of my work is to allow the subconscious mind to create the inarticulate form. A paradox really because the form created is the direct result of the thinking, yet it’s construct requires no conscious thought to be true to the concept. It just is. A term referred to as ‘The Psychologists Fallacy’. Sometimes it can be re-related as the conscious mind struggles to articulate the inarticulate.
As a maker the materials and their behaviour are equally as important, as it is for me to experiment with them. It is trying to allow the material freedom to behave in it’s own way. Also using materials that are considered waste or ‘leftovers’ and questioning why is this not equally as valuable as a preconceived made thing. With all that said I have no absolute, no definitive, I am reluctant to marry a specific style, but isn’t that the beauty of art today? Here I sit with one foot in the camp of surrealism by the use of associative play and the other in set in the ideas of abstract expressionism. I speak with my work and once out in the world it is up to the viewer to interact or not.
This brings me to a juncture where it seems I have a series of contradictions that are yet to be fully resolved; I see it as an on-going evolution of my work.